What is BBCAN11?
The forthcoming Big Brother Canada 11 season of the Canadian reality television programme will be its eleventh overall. The show will debut on Global on March 8, 2023. The show, which will be hosted by Arisa Cox, will centre on sixteen competitors (referred to as HouseGuests) who agree to live in a home under continual surveillance and without access to the outside world in order to compete for a $100,000 grand prize.
When Will the 11th Season of Big Brother Canada Begin?
In March 2023, Big Brother Canada, a Canadian reality television programme based on the global Big Brother franchise, will debut its eleventh season.Recall that Big Brother Canada was given the go-ahead to produce its eleventh season in 2023 on June 8, 2022, according to a Corus Upfront, Global TV announcement. The ten seasons of the series, which debuted on Slice in February 2013, are slated to conclude in March.Big Brother Canada’s new season will premiere on March 8 at 9 PM ET, according to a recent tweet from the official account. The new weekly schedule is as follows:
• ET/PT on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. (Head of Household)
• Every Wednesday at 9:00 PM ET/PT (Power of Veto)
• Every Thursday at 7:00 PM ET/PT (Eviction)
Big Brother Canada Season 11 will feature strategic games, interpersonal issues, and surprise turns and twists, just like past seasons. When Big Brother Canada 11 airs, what do you most want to see?