Soil fertility
Students studying agricultural and environmental sciences will find an excellent introduction to soils in Troeh and Thompson’s Soil and Soil Fertility.
Students subject of soil fertility
Basic subjects like soil chemistry, organic matter, mineralogy, and water management are covered, as well as more specialised topics like turf grass, urban and rural land usage, and artificial soils for greenhouses.
Discussion of soil fertility
Discussions of GIS and GPS, humus and its role in soil structure and fertility, soil restoration for sites damaged by pesticides or petroleum spills, and improvements in our understanding of water movement are all included in the sixth edition.
The usage of soils as a building material and foundation is explained in a new chapter on soil mechanics.
For those without such knowledge, crucial material from organic chemistry, geology, and biology is provided.
The glossary and the relevant study questions that are provided after each chapter will be appreciated by both students and teachers.
Application of soil and soil fertility
The article focus on application makes it more valuable to horticulture students, enthusiasts, forestry students, practitioners, environmental professionals, consulting agronomists, and academics.
1) Soil Formation;
2) Soil
3) Soil Physical Properties
4) Soil Water
6) Mineralogy of Soils
6) Soil Chemistry 7) Soil Amending
9No. 10 Nitrogen
Phosphorus (#11)
Potassium (12)
Calcium, magnesium, and sulphur (number 13)
The Micronutrients (14).
Changes in Plant Composition (15)
16, Land Use and Soil Management, 17, and 18, and Soil Classification
19) Controlling Soil Erosion 20) Soil Pollution