The video of Ojol Ayam was trending on several social media sites. Ojol Ayam Video is the most popular search term for those who want to know about the video.
It has rapidly become one of the most contentious issues that are being discussed on the internet, which has contributed to its rise to general acceptability.
Ojol Ayam video,
A chicken-and-ojol-dressed man video has gone trending on social media, particularly on TikTok and Twitter. The man’s disturbing and unet.ical behavior, which are captured in the 22-second video, is shown.
The TikTok account @ojolsamaayam uploaded the video for the first time. A man can be seen in the video wearing brown pants and a green and black jacket with the ojol logo.
On TikTok and Twitter, the video received a lot of negative feedback from internet users. the video has been removed from the TikTok account @ojolsamaayam.