Fernando baez sosa video
The decision against eight defendants for the murder of Fernando Báez, who was fatally beaten on January 18, 2020, in the city of Villa Gesell, was announced this past Monday. Three additional defendants were given a 15-year sentence for being secondary participants, while five of the convicts received life sentences.
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Security footage and social media platforms both captured Fernando’s final night on earth. Young men between the ages of 21 and 23, who were teammates on a rugby team, are accountable for his death.
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They confronted the victim following an argument in a bar. He was murdered by beatings.Hundreds of people gathered outside the Le Brique nightclub, where the altercation that claimed Fernando’s life began, to pay tribute to him while the judgement against the offenders was being read. The young man’s relatives and friends have created an impromptu memorial with pictures and heartfelt words under a nearby tree.