Television series Snowfall
John Singleton, Eric Amadio, and Dave Andron are the creators of the American criminal drama television series Snowfall, which debuted on FX on July 5, 2017. The television show follows aspiring drug dealer Franklin Saint (played by Damson Idris) as he finds a means to trade crack cocaine in South Central Los Angeles during the 1980s crack epidemic.
Snowfall debuted showtime
The show, which debuted at Showtime in 2014, was picked up by FX in September 2016 for a ten-episode season.Snowfall received a second season renewal from the network in August 2017, which debuted on July 19, 2018.The show received a third season’s renewal in September 2018,which debuted on July 10, 2019.
SnowFalls 2019 to 2023 spring debuted
In August 2019, FX renewed the series for a fourth season which was originally intended to broadcast in 2020,but filming was briefly stopped owing to the COVID-19 epidemic. The start of the fourth season was on February 24, 2021. The show was picked up by FX in March 2021 for a fifth season, which debuted on February 23, 2022.The sixth and final season of the show was picked up by FX in April 2022. It debuted on February 22, 2023, and the series finale aired somewhere in the spring of 2023.