Kimberly Coates is a Oklahoma teacher. Kimberly Coates photos and videos trending on social media like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and especially on Twitter. In this article, we are going to tell you about Kimberly. And actually what happened to Kimberly Coates.
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Kimberly Coates was born on 16 April 1970. She is a school teacher in Oklahoma who gained notoriety in August 2023 when she was discovered attending the classes.

Kimberly Coates is a 53-year-old primary school teacher at Perkins-Tryon Intermediate School in Perkins, Oklahoma. Last Thursday, after the classes started at 8:25 a.m. A few school staff noticed unusual behavior from a teacher. Coates was teaching a class of 8-year-olds.
A third grade teacher has been arrested for being tipsy on the job after staff pulled her out of the classroom. When she was taken out of her classroom on the first day of term to meet with the school’s superintendent.
The moment officers and administrators confronted the teacher, who cried and begged not to be arrested inside the school.
Coates tried to excuse her odd behavior by blaming the anxiety medication she had taken, but a breathalyzer test.
Ogle also appeared to dispute her story, noting that she appeared to be fine in the early morning before classes began at 8:25 a.m. When the officer told her that she was under arrest, Coates broke down, begging him not to take her in.
Asking about her job, Ogle informed Coates that she was indeed going to be discharge, but also gave her the option of resigning.
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