Applications are invited for appointment on agreement basis of appropriate applicants having required qualification and experience for posts stated here under as per eliblly criteria described in the Punjab Health department Allied Health Professional Service Rules, 2012 (as amended).
Post Number: 01
Name of post:
Junior Technician/ (Pharmacy) / Dispenser
BPS: 09
Advertised Number of posts
age limit
18 to 25
Qualification Required:
F.Sc (second division) from a recognized board having “One or two years diploma in relevant discipline of allied health duly recognized by Punjab Medical Faculty if none is available, then candidates having qualification of Matric (second division) with science froma recognized Board Along With One or two years diploma in relevant disciplined of allied health duly recognized by Punjab Medical Faculty
Post Number: 02
Name of post:
Junior Technician(Pathology) / SeaniorLaboratory Assistant
Advertise Number of posts:
Age Limit
Qualification Required:
Post Number: 03
Junior technician pathology/ lavatory assistant
Advertise Number of posts:
Age Limit
Qualification Required:
post Number: 04
Junior technician MCH/ lady health visitor:
Advertise Number of posts:
Age Limit
Qualification Required:
Post Number: 05
Junior technician surgical/ operation theater assistant
Advertise Number of posts:
Age Limit
Qualification Required:
Post Number: 06
Junior technician surgical/ operation theater technician
Advertise Number of posts:
Age Limit
Qualification Required:
Post Number: 07
Junior technician radiography imaging/ radiographers
Advertise Number of posts:
Age Limit
Qualification Required:
Post Number: 08
Junior radiography and imaging/ x-ray assistant
Advertise Number of posts:
Age Limit
Qualification Required:
Terms and conditions:
1.Both Male /Female applicants having domicile of Province of Punjab can apply.
2. Appointments shall be made, on contract basis, under The Cortract Appointment Policy 2004 intially for a period af 03 years extendable subject to good performance.
3. Complete acpication alongwth atested oopies of al educanion certifcates (like Matric, FSc etc) degrees/ diplomas, copy of domicile, valid CNIC, work experience certficatles (f any)and 02 latest passport size photographs must be submitted in te office of the Medical superintendent, DHQ Hospital, Rawalpindi.
4. In case of O Level and A Level. equivalence certficane must also be submitted.
5. Applicaions must present original documenits at the time of interview.
6.Age relacation in upper age imt as per Govenment of the Punjab, SaGAD Notification &Recrutment Policy, 2022 ie. 10 years for Female candiates and 7 years for Male candidates shall be granted
7.Quotas shal be observed as per Recruitment Policy, 2022 and Recrutment shall be made strictly on merit in accordance with the Correct Appointment policy 2004.
8. Recrutment Policy, 2022 and instruci ons issued tom to time by the government of the Punjab.
9. Persons already in Govemment service shoud acply trough their Departmets along with NOC.
10. In complete applications as wel as the applicaions recehved aer choeing dete shall not be entertained in any case.
11. Authority reserves the night to cancel increase or decrease the number of posts at any level without assigning any reason.
12. No TA/DA shali be allowed for appearance in any test er interview.
13. Candidates are advised in their own interest to make sure before applying that they fulfill the requirements of the ruies relatng to the post as mentioned above.
14. Applcations addressed to the undersigned wli be received during office hours in the office of medical Superintendent, DHQ Hospital, Rawalpindi by hand or by post sl 26 -06-2022 a0230 pm positively.
15. Evausson of the candidates shal be done as per the “Selection Crieria for Appointment assaulted in the Recrutmet Policy. 2022 of the Govemmert of the Punjab. Furthermore selection Commitse may devise some written/practical tests for evaluaton of candidates for any particular post to evaluate their capabities as par of the “Interview’ and assign marks accordingly.
16. Interviews/ Test of the candidates for the above mentioned posts shall be held in the office of medical Superintendents, DHQ Hosptal Rawapindi at 10:00 am. The details are as under: 1. interviews/ Tests for the posts of Sr. No. 1 84 shal be held on 13-08-2022 st 10:00 am
2. interviews/ Tests for the posts of Sr. No. 2 3 shal be heid on 14-06-2022 at 10:00 am
3. Interviews/ Tests for the posts of Se. No. 5&6 shal be held on 15-08-2022 a 10:00 am.
4. interviews/Tests for the posts of Sr. No. 7&8 shll be helid on 16-06-2022 at 10:00 am
Dr. Farzana Zafar
Medical Superintendents Instructions Head Quarters Hospital Rawalpindi

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