Islamabad electric supply company is a main power distribution company of Pakistan serving greater than 3.26 million clients with annual revenue base of over Rs. 180 billion, in it’s operational jurisdiction that covers five districts specifically Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Attock, Jhelum and chakwal.
Applications are invited from eligible applicants for the following positions having domicile of districts falls under the jurisdiction of IESCO i.e. Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Attock, Jhelum and chakwal 5% minority and 20% employee’s children quota will be observed as per policy in vogue. The appointments will be made will be basis on lump sum pay package, initially for the period of 3 years (extendable on need and overall performance basis) without right to pensionery advantage on contractual basis.
Assistant lineman (ALM) (male only)
Required qualification and experience:
Matriculation only ( maximum and minimum)
Physical parameters:
Medical cetagory “A”.
Height minimum 5 Ft. 4 inches.
Chest: minimum 32 inches.
weight: As per body mass index chart.
Physical test:
Running 800 meters in 5 minutes.
pushups/ dund 20 in single attempt in 3 minutes.
lifting of weight 30 kg in single attempt.
Digging one ditch of length, depth, width (2×2×2) feet.
climbing skills: climbing up to 10 feet on tower wearing safety equipment.
pulling of wires: one spam of 100 feet.
Allocation of quotas:
open: 1025
Minority: 68
20% ECQ 274
Total: 1367
Age limit including 5 years relaxation allowed as per government policy:
18 to 30 years.
Required qualification and experience:
Maric LTV Lioerse wth 5 yeas per-license experience
Allocation of quotas:
Open: 75
Minority: 05
20% ECQ: 20
TOTAL: 100
Age limit including 5 years relaxation allowed as per government policy:
25-35 years
Driver HTV
Required qualification and experience:
Maric HTV Lcnse with 5 years per license
Allocation of quotas:
Open: 60
Minority: 04
20% ECQ: 16
Total: 80
Age limit including 5 years relaxation allowed as per government policy:
25 to 35 years
assistant sub Station attendant (ASSA)
Required qualification and experience:
Matric with science atleast “c” grade.
Allocation of quotas:
open: 117
AJk grids: 21
minority: 10
20% ECQ: 38
2% disable: 04
Total: 190
Age limit including 5 years relaxation allowed as per government policy:
18 to 30 years
Note: age for disable person will be up to 40 years.
Applicants are suggested to examine the following commands carefully before submitting the relevant prescribed application form available on the Career Testing Services-Pakistan & Sindh Testing Services Karachi CTSP STS (JV) with this advertisement.
1.Candidates applying on applicable application form for the post available on CTSP-STS (JV) website willonly be considered for short-listing.
2.General age relaxation has already been included in the age mentioned towards each category. No further age relaxation is allowed in the prescribed age limit.
3. Government Servants are advised to apply through proper channel.
4. Dismissed employees of any organization or having criminal record are not eligible for employment in IESCO.
5.Candidates awaiting their result are not eligible to apply.
6. Only those candidates who have completed their requisite Qualification are elible to apply Candidates to whom final Marks sheet has not been issued shall not be considered.
7. For the post of ALM, No over qualifed applicants other then the prescribed qualification is authorized for recruitment. Other high-qualifiction would be taken into consideration as disqualification at any stage
8. Only shortisted applicants wllbe called forwritten test/ Physical Endurance Test/ interview etc.
10. For the post of ALM, candidates belonging to Tehsils Taxila, Murree, Pind Dadan Khan and Sara-e-Alamgir (only living under he jurisdiction of IESCO Operation Sub Division Sara-e-Alamgir) can also apply and will be entertained under IESCO (Opr) Circle Attock, Islamabad, Chakwal, and Jhelum respectively.
11.Applicants belonging to Tehsil Sara-e-Alamgir (only residing under the jurisdiction of IESCO Operation Sub Division Sara-eAlamgir) can also apply for the post of Drivers and ASSA
12.Candidates having damicile of Distict Kol, Rawlakot, Bagh & Pulandri of AJK can apply only against the post of ASSA shownaSr.No.4 above.
13. Only IESCO employee’s Children who died after retirement, retired and serving are eliible to apply. 20% Quota is reserved for ESCO Employee’s Children and can apply on applicable application fom for the posts available on CTSP-STS (UV) website and will be taken into consideration as per policy/ guideline/ order of merit of Employee’s Children Quota,) Affidavit duly countersigned by the Head of Employee’s Office where served/serving that no other child of the employee below employee’s Children Quota is working in IESCO) Afidavit (by Ex-Employee /applicant (in case of death of parents)) duly countersigned by Notary Public by giving detals of entire family of the employee bringing up their employment status that no other brother/ sister has been appointed under Employee’s children Quota in IESCO.
14.The recruitment for the post of ALM willinitially go through screening of Physical Parameters, those fulfiling Physical Parameters will undergo Skill Test and those who qualitly Skill Test by securing minimum 50% marks wll be called for Physical Endurance Test Finally those who qualified the Physical Endurance Test by securing minimum 50% marks will be called for final interview as per short-listing criteria.
15.Original and one set of attested photocopies of the documents have to be presented by the candidates on the time of interview.16Candidates may contact CTSP-STS (V) on 051-111004455 and website for any query/ enquiry /complaint concerning written test, display of provisional and final list of candidates, roll number slips, test centers, result etc.
17.JESCO reserves right to increase or decrease the above vacancles after commercial on need basis without any notice topublic.
18.1ESCOreserves the right to cap the recruitment process at any time without assigning any reason.
19.Direct applications address to IESCOHead Quarter will not be entertained.
20.In completeincorrect applications willbe rejected and the applicant willbe himself responsible.
21.Last date for submission of applications is 31.05.2022.
Please visit CTSP-STS(UV) website for application forms and other information. Test fee is Rs 70. However, 50% of the Test fee to be borne by the applicants and 50% by the IESCO as per instructions guidelines of Establishment Division, Accordingly Candidates shall submit application forms dully filled in alongwith prescribed feee.Rs.35/-in favour of CTSP-STS (JV), Remaining 50% fee shall be paid by IESCO directly to CTSP-STS (JV)as per agreement.Please keep visiting CTSP-STS(UV)website regularly for test schedule and updates and results.tyou do not find answer to any of your query, please call CTSP-STS(V)helpline: 051-111004455& Email:
Director General (Human Resources)
IESCO Head Office, Street No. 40, Sector G-714, Islamabad
Phone No. +92-51-9252080, Fax N0. +92-51-9253071BEST SERVICES TO VALUED CUSTOMERS Is OUR PRIORITY.

Job opportunities in HITEC university taxila