Social Welfare, Special Education & Women Empowerment KPK Jobs 2022The Directorate of Social Welfare, Special Education & Women Empowerment KPK is seeking to hire programs for the posts of Psychiatrist, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, Speech Therapist, Physiotherapist, Assistant Accounts Officer, Assistant, Computer Operator, and Junior Clerk.
These positions are starting for ADP Scheme titled Center for Excellence Special Children with Autism. This recruitment can be made on a agreement basis and fixed pay basis.
Candidates who need to get jobs in these positions have to meet the eligibility necessities in their preferred post. Detailed information on eligibility is to be had in the advertisement.
These positions are to be had despite quotas for minorities and disabled people. Candidates who fall in the applicable quota may also apply online at ETEA who need to work in those positions need to meet the eligibility necessities of the position they want. The advertisement consists of specific information on eligibility.Candidates with a Secondary School Certificate, an Intermediate Diploma, or a Relevant Diploma may apply for these positions. Only candidates who meet all the requirements are eligible to apply.The Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency ETEA can be in charge of filling these positions. For more information, applicants should visit
GOVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA Directorate of Social Welfare , Special Education & Women Empowerment Opposite Islamia Collegiate School , Jamrud Road , Peshawar VACANT POSITIONS Online applications are invited from the eligible applicants having domicile of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for recruitment via Education Testing Evaluation Authority ( ETEA ) towards the subsequent posts on Fixed Pay Basis / below Project Policy 2018 for ADP Scheme titled ” Center for Excellence Special Children with Autism , Peshawar in Social Welfare .
Special Education and Women Empowerment . Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa For a duration upto 30-06-2023 as according to information given below
Post no 1,
Age restriction
Educational requirements
The candidates have a degree of
Working experience,
The candidates have
Post no 2,
Vacant post 03
Age restriction,
The required age of the candidates is 25 to 35 years
Educational requirements,
The candidates have
Post no 3,
Number of vacant seats is 08
Age restriction for a candidate is 25 to 32 years.
Educational requirements,
The candidates have
Post no 4,
number of vacant seats is 03
Required age for a candidate 2 2to 35 yea
Educational requirements,
The candidates have an
Post no 5,
Numbers of vacant seats is 02
Required age for a candidate is 22 to 35 years.
Educational requirements,
Post no 6,
Numbers of vacant seats is 01
Required age for a candidate is 22 to 35 years.
Educational requirements,
The interested candidates have At least second class Bachelor’s degree in commerce / BBA with Accounting . One – year experience in Accounts / Audit .
Post no 7,
Assistant ( BPS – 16 )
Numbers of the vacant seats is 01
Required age for a candidate is 22 to 35 years.
Educational requirements,
The candidates have a degree of Graduate and having information of One – year Computer .
post no 8,
Computer Operator ( BPS – 16 )
Numbers of vacant seats is 01.
Required age for a candidate is 22 to 35 years.
Educational requirements,
The candidates have a At least socond degree.
experience in dealing with of office work . One – year experience in dealing with of office work .
Post no 9,
Junior Clerk ( BPS – 11 )
Numbers of vacant seats is 01
Required age for a candidate is 22 to 35 years
Educational requirements
The interested candidates have a Graduate and also having information of One – year Computer . experience in dealing with of office work.
Terms and conditions,
01.The interested Candidates can be provisionally allowed to seem in the ETEA screening test . However certain scrutiny will be accomplished by the appointing authority and if any candidate is observed ineligible the least bit at any level of the recruitment process , she can be disqualified by the Appointing Authority .
2 . Interview calls letter will be issued to short indexed applicants only .
3 . Short list will be based at the Screening Test carried out by ETEA.
4 . Candidates must be eligible in all respects by the last date of receipt of the applications .
5. Relaxations of age will NOT be admissible .
. 6. Incomplete applications and applications obtained after due dates will now no longer be entertained .
7 . The applicants working in Government / Semi – Government bodies must apply via right channel .
8 : Candidates proceeding to apply for a couple of post shall apply one by one for eash post with separate fee .
9. Number of vacancies can be increased and decreased by authority.
10. Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel and reject any application with given reason .
11. No TA / DAwill be admissible for test / Interview . 12. In case of overseas degree , equal certificates from HEC must be provided .
13. Error in number of posts are subject to rectification .
How to apply?
How to Apply Online through ETEA?
01 .The interested candidates Candidates can visit the ETEA website
OR Click Here for online submission of applications.
02Candidates need to have scanned copies of all helping files throughout the online submission of applications.
03After filing an online application, applicants can download the auto-generated Challan Form and deposit the application processing fee.
04.The online application form can be to be had from 26th May 2022 to 15th June 2022.
01. The candidates preserve documents and passport size scanned picture ( soft copy ) with you on the time of online applies .
02.Read the commands very well earlier than filling the online application form ETEA shall confirm deposited fee at any stage .
03. If your fee isn’t verified , your candidature shall be rejected . Fee deposited on a person else CNIC shall not be verified .
04.Unclaimed qualification will not be accepted . 05.Keep the bank printed receipt secure with your self and do not share it with anybody else . 06.Applications of all the ones applicants who do not give accurate information while filling the online application form , will not be rejected only , but would be proceeded towards and strict action will be taken against them .