The Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture (MNS) is a public university positioned in Multan, Punjab, Pakistan. It became set up in 2012 at the initiative of Chief Minister Punjab Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif.
The university has a complete region of 680 acres positioned at two places. A piece of land comprising 180 acres is allotted at mouza rangeel pur, old shujabad road, Multan, in which upon the primary campus of the university is positioned and any other piece comprising 500 acres is allocated at Jalalpur pirwala for agriculture farm.
Situation Vacant
Applications are invited from Pakistani Nationals who aren’t married to a Foreign National , on the prescribed form to be had on University website at
for the subsequent administrative Posts on Contract Basis ( for a tenure of 3 years ) .
01.Name of the post
( BPS – 20 )
Number of vacant seats is 01
Duration of job
Its Contract Basis job .
Educational requirements
The interested applicants must have a degree of
Master’s level with ( at the least 2 division ) from a identified University .
Experience criteria
Applicants applicable administrative revel in of at the least 17 years on a post of duty in a Public Sector University or Government or Semi – Government Department .
02.Post name
Controller OF Examination
Number of vacant seats is 01.
Job Duration
Its contract basis job
Educational requirements
Applicants must have an
Master’s level degree with ( at the least 2 division ) from a identified University .
Experience criteria
Applicant must have an 17 years services in a accountable ability in a University or Board of Secondary or Technical Education .
02.The applicants
Should be completely conversant with the examination system of a University ideally semester / terms system .
GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS given by University
1. The applications are required on Prescribed Form in .
02 Sets for above stated positions with attested copies of all certificates , degrees , testimonials , specific marks certificates , revel in certificate with particular dates , transcripts , equivalence certificates , CNIC , domicile along side passport size photo on every set and a Bank Draft of Rs.2500 / – drawn in prefer of the Treasurer , Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture , Multan .
0 3. The applicants may also apply one by one for every post with separate application fee , who’re meant to apply for multiple positions .
04. The foreign qualified candidates must connect equivalence certificates of overseas degree from Higher Education Commission of Pakistan .
05. Candidates already in service have to apply via proper channel / NOC issued through the authority through due date , asserting that no inquiry in any way or investigation by any agency / department or trial through any court of law is pending towards applicants .
The Annual Confidential Reports ( ACRs ) grading for the last 5 years can also be recorded in the forwarding letter .
06. Applications can be short – listed in line with the University prescribed criteria .
07. Only short – listed applicants will be invited for interview and no T.A / D.A can be paid to them .
08. The University reserves the right now no longer to fill any post or withhold appointment towards any post with out assigning any reason .
09. Candidates terminated / brushed off below any disciplinary law from the service by any of the Government / Semi – Government / Autonomous bodies aren’t eligible to apply .
10. Last date of receipt of applications is
06 july 2022.
How to apply?
Applications have to be despatched via registered post / courier only .
02.By hand application will now no longer be accepted .
03. Applicants are directed to really point out the name of post applied for at the top right corner of the envelope .
04. Incomplete Applications or the ones acquired after due date shall now no longer be entertained
Postel address,
MNS University of Agriculture , Old Shujabad Road , Multan ,
University website,
Website : ,
Contact number,
Contact No. 061-9201541 REGISTRAR