The University of Agriculture, Peshawar , is a studies university placed in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
The university is ranked fourth in agriculture in Pakistan.The university has 3 institutes the Institute of Biotechnology and Genetics Engineering (IBGE), Institute of Business and Management Sciences (IBMS), and Institute of Development Studies (IDS).Institute of Business & Management Sciences (IBMS) has been established in 1998.
Initially only the courses of management science have been offered, but now it also offers courses in computer science and information technology.
Since its established order in 1981, this University has been playing a important role in offering Agricultural Education and accomplishing basic and applied agricultural research all through the Province, and disseminating the results of agricultural research among the farmers and popular public through its outreach/public service activities.
Being one of the main institutions in the country, the University has been enjoying the status of providing high quality agricultural education and research to its students. The graduates students of this University are also serving in public-private sectors organizations on key positions with in county and out of country .
They are ambassadors of this University and have been bringing in laurels to the name and status of this University.During the present convocation 750 students are being awarded Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. degrees.
Outstanding students will be adorned with Presidential Awards, Gold Medals, Silver Medals and Bronze Medals.The university is a corporate body. It has powers, inter-alia, to offer instructions, trainings, research and outreach; in agriculture, animal husbandry and other such disciplines of learning. The challenge of The University of Agriculture, Peshawar is to produce quality graduates in agriculture and associated disciplines;To behavior problem-solving farmer-orientated research to make the country self enough in food commodities to provide educational and research linkages to rural groups and the public in order to alleviate poverty in rural areas.
The University of agriculture also imparts its educational and research programme through 5 Faculties, 26 departments and 3 institutes. The University of Agriculture Peshawar offers degree in Bachelor, Master, M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees.
Since the begin of the Ph.D. programme in 1997 extra than 50 Ph.D. scholars have graduated and about 250 are presently enrolled, pursuing their Ph.D. studies.
University of Agriculture Peshawar offers a new job opportunity and announced followings jobs.
Name of the post,
Project Director.
Pay offered by University for this post,
As Project Director university offer a Pay upto Rs. 250,000/- per month .
Experience requirements,
The candidate must have 15 years of applicable post-qualification experience in Mega developmental projects lump-sum Maximum .
Age restrictions,
The age of interested candidates is upto 55 years on whole academic career.
Having legitimate registration with Pakistan Engineering Council M.Sc Civil Engineering from HEC identified University/Institution with in public or identified/professional firm/organization with no third division in the qualification of MS in Project Management from HEC identified University/ Institution.
Other’s academics requirements,
If The candidates not fulfill the educational requirements mentioned above then,
The interested candidates must have B.Sc Civil Engineering from HEC identified University/Institution.
working experience,
The candidates having an experience of 17 years of applicable post-qualification in Mega developmental projects in public or identified / authentic firm/organization with no third division in the entire academic career.
Educational Favored,
Preference shall be given to those candidates who having an extra qualification of MS in Project Management from HEC identified University Institution.
The interested candidates also have a Knowledge about PPRA and KPPRA nules can be taken into consideration as added advantage.
The terms and conditions given by the University is mentioned below.
1. The interested and eligible candidates send their application Form submitted via online and printed in hard, must accompany and the Bank Receipt fee of Rs. 2500/- (Two thousand and five hundred only) for the post of Project Director, deposited in the University Main Account No.14870007450701,
. 2.The candidates who are already In-service must apply via proper channel along with NOC from their involved departments/organizations,.
3. Attestedcopies of all degrees, certificates and diplomas or equal certificates concerning any credentials, medals/difference certificates and year-sensible certain marks certificates, experience certificates must attain the undersigned on or before May 31, 2022.
4. Incomplete applications or obtained after the last date, shall not be acceptable.
5. Only short-indexed candidates, who meet the above criteria, will be referred to as for interview.
6. All applicable documents would be concern to verification from involved organizations,
7. The Pay consists of all allowances and fringe benefits. However, 5% annual increment as per PC-I may be admissible.
8. The University reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without given any statement.
9. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending interview.